Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Holy cow.

The Good:

Erika, Kristen, Rae and I have officially made it to Toronto. It was an adventure I think for all of us, as we both parted ways (unexpectedly) in Phoenix early in the a.m. Upon our arrival in Phoenix we all walked over to the gate that we assumed that we would be departing from. That turned out to be false. Because Rae and I only briefly glanced over our itineraries in the morning; we overlooked a terminal change for the both of us for our flight to L.A. Unfortunately we realized it the change after it was too late. Together we bolted from terminal 3 to terminal 2 as quick as we could (which ended up taking 15-20 minutes after running/walking/shuttle rides).

What were we to do?! Well, after getting harassed by one CSA at the United Airlines counter, we waited in line for another 25 minutes to regroup and examine our options. Fortunately for us, the person who booked our original tickets listed us for a back up flight knowing that we might not have made the connecting flight anyways. THANK GOD! We ended up being rerouted through Chicago (gross - another 5ish hour flight!). It took us almost an hour to get through security (which meant that we probably wouldn't have made our original flight anyways), had a little bit of fun with TSA, and boarded the plane to Chicago!

We had a nice hour and a half lay over in Chicago to grab a bite to eat (because Chicago is hands down, the best pizza I will ever eat), and actually made it to our gate on time. We ate our food after we wandered around for a bit checking out the ginormous airport. We arrived in Canada only 45 minutes after we would have originally made it had we gotten on the right flight this morning; all worked out nicely.

The Bad:

Rae and I don't have our suitcases for some reason. Hopefully by the early a.m. we will have gotten them back from the airport!

The Ugly (or what I am going to call ugly):

The girls had to primp themselves up after a long day of flying. I myself felt and looked dead. We made ourselves decent, and went to the hotel lounge for some chow! Now, we are crashing!

[On an awesome side note: I did happen to get my own room out of the deal. Because Kristen and I were making responsible decisions, and threw it up in the air that we might be drinking, the University felt uncomfortable with us all rooming together in the chance that someone might get sexually assault/harassed, so bam, I got my own room. We originally planned on sharing to cut some of the costs of rooming at the hotel].

Tomorrow the panels for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences start, so we are ready to learn!


  1. Oh! I wondered why you were checking in to so many Airports... sounds like it's going to be an adventure. Is the University paying for your trip?

    Are you at the UofT? Make sure you get down on Yonge street, and find some Putin while you are there. If you need a bar (or food) reccomendation, let me know, one of my coworkers is from Toronto,

    Have an awesome time!

  2. The conference is at the Sheraton Centre Toronto, so luckily we don't have to commute anywhere! The Justice Center at UAA funded most of our trip, and we are still hearing back from USUAA about a reimbursement grant. Unfortunately it's taking forever. I would love some bar recommendations! We were thinking about hitting the town tonight for some fun! I'll get down to Yonge street too!
